What can funders do to support LGBTIQ+ communities?


1. Provide philanthropic funding, with a particular focus on:

  • Sector and organisational capacity-building. ƒ

  • Programs led by people with lived experience or who are representative of the beneficiary cohort. ƒ

  • Funding for LGBTIQ+ communities nation-wide.

  • Additional resources for transgender and intersex communities.

2. Be explicit that you are interested in receiving funding applications from LGBTIQ+ organisations

Specifically mention this cohort in your guidelines, and / or proactively reaching out to LGBTIQ+ groups.

3. Deepen your knowledge of LGBTIQ+ issues and experiences

Learn how your areas of focus intersect, or how LGBTIQ+ people show up in the issues you fund.

4. Be a good ally

Be loud and proud about your support for LGBTIQ+ projects, and encourage others to fund in this space.

5.Engage with LGBTIQ+ community-led funders to get you started

Reach out to organisations like Aurora and GiveOUT. We exist to help bridge the gap and increase the impact of philanthropic dollars by brokering relationships between funders and those doing work on the ground for LGBTIQ+ communities.